GGC-217 "BAD GIRLS" (58 minutes)

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GGC-217   "BAD GIRLS"   (58 minutes)
GGC-217   "BAD GIRLS"   (58 minutes) GGC-217   "BAD GIRLS"   (58 minutes) GGC-217   "BAD GIRLS"   (58 minutes) GGC-217   "BAD GIRLS"   (58 minutes) GGC-217   "BAD GIRLS"   (58 minutes) GGC-217   "BAD GIRLS"   (58 minutes)
Golden Girls Talent:  Jill, Monica, Pam, Sally, Holly
Price: $24.00

* Format:


     This spectacular match begins in a living room setting as three friends (Jill, Monica, and Pam), relaxed in skimpy bikini's, realize they aren't bosom buddies after all.  Accusations fly as two beautiful blondes gang up on the slender brunette.  Total domination with plenty of hair pulling, fanny slapping and body contact erupts.  For only a slight moment the tables turn but are quickly reversed again. A surprise visit by Danielle proves more is going on than meets the eye. Finally one beaten, battered and tied up helpless vixen is forced into submission.  This is a must to see!!!
    In this second fabulous match Sally (MISS 1989 U.S. MARINE CHAMPION BODY BUILDER) and Holly meet in the ring to decide who is the better woman.  These beautiful ladies adorned in small one piece suits go for the throat as they pull hair, slap faces, abuse one-another and try to tie each other up.  Each determined to be the winner, these two give it their all.  One beaten brutalized body finally collapses as the winner gloats in her glory. Collectors, this DVD is for you!

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